pine needles of white pines with pollen cones

About MetalKraft Tech Our Story

Designing for high-performance in rural Ohio

MetalKraft Technologies is a family-owned research and development company based in Southeast Ohio in the midwestern United States. We provide international customers with specialty multichannel copper tube, other custom tubes, and research services.


The idea for MetalKraft Technologies began in the late 2000’s with a providential idea to develop multichannel copper extruded tube. Development gradually progressed successfully, even with lack of significant capital investment. After years of design and research, MetalKraft Tech's official production began in January of 2021.

Our small family business is currently located in beautiful Southeast Ohio, home of rolling hills, black walnut trees, and lively bluegrass music.

Patience & Perseverance

New technology such as unique copper extrusions requires innovation and engineering advancements, bringing various challenges. The patience and perseverance exhibited during challenging work shows that God uses faithful stewards to grow the seed of an idea.

MetalKraft Technologies outdoor sign
neatly arranged stack of copper extruded tube with diferent profiles

Our Mission

We aim to fill a void in the manufacturing industry by providing custom metal products and services for high-performance and high-efficiency specialty applications, and to glorify God by serving our customers.

Our Values


We aim to deliver high-quality products to our customers by working diligently & heartily as to the Lord.


Dealing honestly is a critical part of our business dealings.

heartDo Unto Others

We prioritize treating others with sincerity and care and meeting individual needs.

chain link Unity

We believe unity in our company is key to success.

stack of extruded tubes

Let us work with you to develop an innovative solution for your project.